Hi, I am Utkarsh
Good to see you...cowboy!!!

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With a formal Bachelor in Engineering Degree, I identify myself a hobbyist. I like to build high impact micro services and scalable distributed systems, a bit of UI magic, a pinch of data analytics and lots of line of code. I like to teach too :P

I love to ride motorcycles, play guitar, sing and write songs. I make terrible sketches too :P. I am a physics enthusiast who wonders about Life, the Universe and Everything. I have authored two patents and competed in the prestigious ACM-ICPC regionals. DIY is the way to go!!!

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Passtime Projects

Ant Colony Optimization for Trust Calculation in Online Social Networks

Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become an integral part of daily life in recent years. They have been used as a means for a rich variety of activities, such as seeking service providers or recommendations. In these activities, trust is one of the most important factors for participants’ decision-making process. Therefore, it is necessary and significant to predict the trust between two participants who have no direct interactions.

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Real Time Stock Trade Simulation

Hone your Real Time Stock Trading skills with real time stock prices, virtual money, portfolio building, price analysis, personal recommendations and leaderboard. Taste the flavor of spring based micro services with react JS UI, postgresSQL and RabbitMQ Stack.

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Internal Spring Server For College Management

Simple Java based REST/CRUD Micro service with React UI for basic college management. [4hrs Challenge code time]

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Docker RabbitMQ REST API